Fashion illustration has been around for 500 or more years;
it is used in the design process of a garment in the form of technical
rendering and has made a presence in the realm of abstract works of art. At one point in time it was a prominent
medium used to illustrate the changing silhouettes and the immediate mood of
fashion. You could not think of fashion without thinking of fashion
illustration. The artistic presence of fashion illustration has been overshadowed
by the common use of fashion photography.
The presence of fashion illustration began to wane in the 1930’s, when
prominent fashion magazines began replacing illustrations with photographs. In
the 1980’s there was an influx in fashion illustration. It gained a second
wind. The techniques used in fashion illustration continue to evolve with the
advancements in technology. Expanding from hand made inspirations to
incorporating digitization and computer rendering.
Fashion illustration is broken into three divisions of
artistic perspective. The Sensualists,
Technocrats, and the Sophisticates/Gamines. Sensualist works with traditional
fine art mediums: paint, ink, color, stencils, woodblocks, and textures. Their
work is revered as being strong and striking.
Technocrats use a combination of drawings and computer rendering. The
final product is a digitized image.
Sophisticates/Gamines use a mix of drawing styles vacillating from
caricature to cartooning to render a final image.
Sensualist: Ruben Toledo & Kenneth Paul Block
Kenneth Paul Block |
Kenneth Paul Block |
Kenneth Paul Block |
Kenneth Paul Block |
Kenneth Paul Block |
Technocrate: Jason Brooks & Francois Berthoud
Jason Brooks |
Jason Brooks |
Jason Brooks |
Francois Berthoud |
Francois Berthoud |
Francois Berthoud |
Francois Berthoud |
Francois Berthoud |
Francois Berthoud |
Francois Berthoud |
Sophisticates/Gamine: Tanya Ling
The question that resonates in my mind is how can we
encourage more of the artistic indulgence and display of this craft. Fashion
illustration provides a poetic perspective to fashion. Fashion illustration is
a means of transforming the creative whispers of the imagination to a
conceptualized birth. The art opens itself to the finesse of purist techniques
and has grown to embrace the infusion of the technocratic talents. Some of my
favorite fashion illustrators are amongst Jennifer Lilya, Tiffany J Harris, Tanya
Ling, Julie Verhoeven, Sarah Hankinson, and Francois Berthoud. Past
inspirations include Rene Gruau and Kenneth Paul Block to name a few. In this
budding generation of fashion lovers and self professed connoisseurs, I wonder
will they perpetuate the artistic identity of fashion illustration or merely
cultivate the craft for technical application?
This group is working towards changing collectors' views of the ephemeral nature of illustration: